Work with company relations, arranging events, ensuring the quality of our education, and much more. Become engaged in the student life!
If you study at Lund School of Economics and Management you are eligible to become a member with LundaEkonomerna. Join us today!
Do you have issues with an exam, a teacher, your study environment, an event, or anything else at LUSEM or LundaEkonomerna? Contact us!
LundaEkonomerna host several events each week and in the calendar you can see them all. There you will also be able to find more information about the events and links for sign-ups.
Each semester LundaEkonomerna publishes a Hi! Catalouge. In the catalouge you are able to get an introductory view over our entire union, and you are able to find answers to many of the most relevant questions. So welcome to LundaEkonomerna!