LundaEkonomerna Student Union is an organization driven by students. We are the home for all students at Lund University School of Economics and Management. (LUSEM), and our job is to ensure that you get the most out of your student life in Lund. Our 300 active members work together to improve the education at LUSEM, the future careers of our members, and last but not least the social life of students.
LundaEkonomerna is first and foremost made for and run by its members. They elect the 31 people in the General Council who represent the voice of the members. The General Council is the highest decision-making body and decides things such as the budget, the strategy, elects the board and all the project leaders, and much more. However, the daily operations are run by the 10 members in the Board. They oversee all operations and are both the management team as well as the highest executive body in the student union. To be able to make the best decisions possible they're supported by various advisory bodies such as the Senior collegium, Financial council, Educational council, etc. The student union arranges and hosts several hundred activities each year and is far too much work for only 10 people. Therefore the union employs about 70 project leaders to run the 28+ committees and projects that create these activities. These project leaders make up the Collegium, which is a collaborative and supporting function to maximize the output LundaEkonomerna renders.
Anyone who is a member of LundaEkonomera can apply to become a project leader. To do so one applies through this website and then has an interview with the Nomination Committee. Who then nominates one applicant to the General Council. However, the ones who don't get nominated can still oppose the position at the general council. However, you don't have to be a project leader to get involved. LundaEkonomerna has 250+ active member positions in the committees and projects that you can apply for. They are divided up into four different legs depending on their purpose: General leg, Social leg, Career leg, and Education leg. You can read more about what the different legs entail and learn of the committees and projects here. Still don't get it? Send all your questions to info@lundaekonomerna.se
Learn more about how LundaEkonomera works below!

Learn more about the student union
The Board
LundaEkonomerna is run by the 10 people on the board. They' are the highest executive body.
General Council
The union's highest decision-making body is democratically structured with 31 members chosen by the members of LundaEkonomerna. They decide on all major decisions and elect all project leaders to our committees and projects.
Steering Documents
Here you'll find our official documents that are the framework for the whole student union. Among these are our Statue, Business Plan, and Strategy.
Our home and office is an old and yellow Skånelänga called Skånis. Here you'll find the board as well as the place for many of our events.
Meet our lovely project leaders. We have 28 committees and projects, led by our collegial members.
Advisory Bodies
Sometimes we need assistance from different specialized groups of people. They advise and impact the development of LundaEkonomerna.