Samday is the only employer branding event within LundaEkonomerna that focuses only on IT-students. The concept is based on recruitment, helping students gain a greater insight into what is required and expected of them in order to be able to get a job with you. At the same time, our goal is to also help and facilitate you to find suitable candidates for your company. The goal is to create a day where you and students get to know each other and work closely and in an interactive way!
Meet our most ambitious students by having a case workshop. This gives you a great opportunity to study how students act when working within something you feel is relevant to your particular industry or workplace.
Get to know informatics students at LUSEM. Interact in relaxed forms and give you a greater insight into the students as individuals.
What is a LundaEkonom-event without a great ending? Join our grand banquet with entertainment for both you and the students.