Welcome to the currently available positions within LundaEkonomerna! There are 4 different legs in which we categorize our committees and projects: Educational, Social, Career, and General. There are also 3 different types of positions, which you can read more about below.
As a staffer, you sign up to assist a committee in one of their events. It may be as a Hero for 6mästeriet, helping them making the event possible, or as a Fair staffer at eee, assisting in turning EC into a career fair. You also get a thank you, often in the form of a dinner party, which is a great opportunity to enjoy yourself and meet new people!
As a collegial, you are the project leader of a committee or project. Besides being a leader, you also work actively with long-term operational goals within the union and become apart of the Collegium - a collaboration between all collegial members and the board. A collegial position is chosen either by our General Council or Board Members.
As an active member, you are a part of a project of your choosing. You'll be working with your team towards the goals of the committee, and it's lead by your project leader. Moreover, you get to take part of all the active member activities, where you get to meet all the other active members working ideally to make our union even better.
Type of position
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