Opposing candidates for the General Council 02/04 and 03/04.

The opposing candidates for the General Council 02/04 and 03/04 are as follows:

  • Vice President – Sofia Norlin
  • Internal Relations Manager – Nathalie Lindström
  • Communications Manager – Filippa Thunholm
  • Educational Affairs Manager – Måns Kristiansson

The General Council will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of April, starting at 5pm on the 2nd and 6pm on the 3rd. The meeting will be held in Holger Craaford-salen at EC1. All members of LundaEkonomerna are welcome to attend.

You can always oppose up until the agenda is set at the start of the meeting by either showing up and voicing your candidacy or emailing the speaker at speaker@lundaekonomerna.se.

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